Nkana Water Supply and Sanitation Project (NWSSP) was a project within the national programme, The National Urban Water and Sanitation Programme (NUWSSP). NUWSSP was a unified approach which the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) had adopted in order to improve the development of water supply and sanitation services in all urban areas in the country. NWSSP was supported by the African Development Bank (AfDB). It covered the entire area of operation of Nkana Water and Sewerage Company (NWSC) including Kitwe, Kalulushi and Chambishi urban areas. The works were based on a 2008 study and comprise the rehabilitation and extension of water supply and sanitation systems in the three towns.
To improve access to water and sanitation to the urban population including Peri urban areas in Kitwe, Kalulushi and Chambishi
To improve the provision of adequate ,safe and cost effective water supply to both urban and peri urban population with due regard to the environmental protection
Nkana Water and Sewerage Company is also undertak took other projects financed by the Government of the Republic of Zambia to improve water and sanitation in the following areas: